Clayton Heights Chiropractic is proud to be a licensed vendor of Chiroflow Pillows. We now are able to offer these customizable ergonomically correct pillows for sale to patients directly in our clinic.
The Chiroflow® Pillow’s Waterbase® design allows users to customize their pillow to their desired level of comfort, soft, medium or firm, by simply adding and removing water. The waterbase automatically adjusts to head movement throughout the night, maintaining essential cervical support, even when you move during sleep! No need to fluff and re-stuff. You wake less often during night and rise in the morning more refreshed.
Watch the YouTube video from Chiroflow for an explanation on how these great products work!
Visit Clayton Heights Chiropractic
Interested in Chiroflow Pillows?
Visit our office for full details and to purchase these great pain relieving pillows!
Visit Clayton Heights Chiropractic